Wednesday, March 26, 2025

How to Exchange Money in Money Changer and the Best Place to Do It

As the name implies, a money changer is a place that is usually used as a means to trade foreign currencies. There are various locations of famous money chargers Indonesia that are probably hard for you to decide while staying in Indonesia. This is why we’ll give you the best recommendations for a money changer.

In addition, we’ll also explain how to exchange the money so you know the value correctly from rupiah currency to foreign currency or vice versa.

Terms and Conditions

Before exchanging money, you need to prepare several supporting conditions to assist in the smooth money exchange. The requirements are as follows:

  • Have identity cards such as ID or Passport.
  • Find the latest currency exchange rate information.
  • Ask if implementing a commission system makes you pay extra money.

How to Exchange Money

After that conditions have been prepared, please take steps to exchange money at your nearest money changer. Here are the steps:

money changer indonesia

  • Take the queue number provided at the venue. While waiting, you can see the exchange rate board of rupiah to various foreign currencies and vice versa.
  • When the queue number is called, state your intention to exchange money from one currency to another. Also, say how many denominations you want to exchange.
  • The teller department will adjust the denominations in the money changer for the currency you receive. It’s possible that the value you get will be different from the calculation because there is a commission to be paid.
  • If you agree, fill out the application form and state your identity and the amount of money you want to exchange.
  • Done. The teller will give the money according to the agreement. Count back the money and match it with the given note.

Recommended Money Changer in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The existence of a money changer will make it easier for people to travel abroad because they can exchange their country’s currency according to the country they visit.

It is essential to find a trusted place to exchange money with the best exchange rate. In Jakarta itself, there are 4 trusted places, namely:

  • VIP Money Changer and Remittance: offers an extensive foreign currency exchange. Included in the most significant money changer company in Jakarta.
  • Dua Sisi Money Changer: the right choice for those who want to travel and shop abroad because it can be found in various shopping centers.
  • Peniti Money Changer: a money changer company that has been around since 1997, so there’s no need to worry about exchanging money here.
  • Dollarindo Money Changer and Remittance: its legality is trusted because it has a permit from Bank Indonesia. The advantage is that it is open 24 hours a day.

That’s how to exchange money and recommendations for the best money changers so you can safely exchange currencies and get the best exchange rates.

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